We are Evanton

We Are Evanton

We Are Evanton


“We are Evanton”, a new community help group, was originally started by Sarah McNair to look after vulnerable and disadvantaged local residents.  Now at its busiest, it took shape in the early days of the miserable Covid19 virus outbreak and it wasn’t long before many others joined in their efforts making it a dedicated band of enthusiastic helpers.  Getting themselves a page on Facebook, their membership then quickly grew to around 50.


Annelie Graham has since taken over the helm and together with a group of volunteers have delivered food and other essentials to many local residents.  ‘We Are Evanton’ are very  grateful for the £500 financial help given by The Highland Council Resilience Covid19 Fund via the Kiltearn Community Council and to draw on a fund of £7000 that had been applied for by The Evanton Community Trust on their behalf. The practical help given by the Evanton Co op store is greatly appreciated and forms the centre of operations.  The Co-op have been very involved in making up the supplies and free food parcels and also helping to arrange the paid for deliveries to those who can't get out. Tracey Bauer has been very active on deliveries with Blandine Courtois-Lynch and Hugh Lynch also. Of course there are many other volunteers too numerous to mention here.  Additionally the emphasis now is to supply around 150 Kiltearn Primary & Nursery School children with a resource pack (stationery & craft items).  At present all children are finding it hard to cope with social exclusion and online learning and a resource pack would be exciting and a real boost for their mental health.


The group was set up originally just to help folk during the Covid19 virus pandemic but could potentially remain afterwards to continue this good work.  They recognise that this may need official administration arranged.  The whole shows how a community can pull together and although we all hope the need never arises again, we also know there are many people that will readily volunteer in these circumstances.


If you, or someone you know is in need of help, contact Annelie directly, The Evanton Community Trust, Citizens Advice Bureau, Highland Council or Social Services who will then contact ‘We are Evanton’. Any application to this fund will be completely confidential.


Source  (and with thanks to)   Annelie Graham.

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